inspired by my friend, Suci Ariyanti , i wanna share to you about my past activity in my lovely campus. suci reviewed about 2010, but i actually just telling about only my activity (committee, organization, etc)
1. FEBRUARY 2010 : joining committee of IDEA (IPB's Dedication of Education) - BEM KM'S (ministry of education) . Division : PDD (Publication, Decoration, and Documentation)
2. MARCH 2010 :
-- being freelance of BEMedia (until the end off 2010) - BEM KM'S (Ministry of Communication and Information) - as editorial staff
--joining committee of Poltrain (Political training) - BEM TPB (Department of review and strategy - kajian dan - Division : PDD (Publication, Decoration, and Documentation)
3. MAY 2010 : joining committee of MPKMB 47 (Masa Perkenalan Kampus Mahasiswa Baru Angkatan 47) for about 3 months - BEM TPB+BEM KM - First, i accepted as PJK (penanggung jawab keluarga, keluarga itu sebutan untuk kelompok2) but there was a changing and i got a PDD Division
4. AUGUST 2010 : committee of Buka Puasa Bersama KPM - KPM 46 - Division : The Leader of PDD (Kadiv PDD)
5. SEPTEMBER 2010 : Joining committee of Gebyar Nusantara - BEM KM'S (Ministry of Culture, Sport and Art - - Division : Decoration and Design . But unfortunately, at the same time, i got some another problem and had to focus on it, so i resigned IN H-2 EVENT ! hahhaah , sometimes i regret it so much but then i have no other choice :(
6. OCTOBER 2010 : joining Magang BEM FEMA untill December - BEM I Kabinet Pejuang Ekologi - department : Dept of Communication, information and relation (KOMINFO)
7. DECEMBER 2010 : FINALLY being a member of BEM FEMA Kabinet Garda Toska - Department : Dept of KOMINFO
i'm grateful for getting so much experience in 2010
those are because of Allah swt gives me a chance for meet other people, for working, and for giving me the easy way to run it.
because of my mother and father, they always support and pray for me,
And of course, it's all because of you, who always be near me..
i love you All
Thanks for all
please keep beside me in 2011 and the years that followed :)
one imprtant is : i have to continue writing !

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