Hello Kitty Gift, Birthday

Jumat, 17 Juni 2011
Hello ! My birthday is passed, on May 30Th, but I wanna share about the other gift and surprise that I haven't published yet :p

- i'm being a real flower with the water which fall to my body at night, wrrrr, that's Gressa' and Intan's Idea -,-
- my B stand up in front of my "kostan" and bring the cake, ulalaaa :3
- and todaaay, Gressayana Suciari gives Hello Kitty pen, mechanic pencil,note , and that's all original from Sanrio ! Thankyouu my Gressa :) :)

And the other gift and surprise I'v published on this blog and there's all things is about Hello Kitty
Thankyou soooo much all my deaaaar :)

Communication day - day two

Minggu, 12 Juni 2011

i'm from bakso warna-warni will present about our product,please welcome !!

this is the proposal :)

ALHAMDULILLAH, bakso warna-warni be a finalist of the best proposal, finalist the best stand, finalist the most inovative group, and finalist the best group.
thanks Allah :) :)

aandddd.. special thanks for dita and tita for the birthday gift !!

thankyou for the Hello kitty wallet and the hello kitty lamp :*



this is the big event in SKPM (Sains Komunikasi dan Pengmabngan Masyarakat --red) , my Departement. or we all know as COMDAY

comday is a "ujian praktikum" but, in this session we be devided to be a group and become a promoter about some product. we have a stand, commercial break, amd also the presentation about that product.

my group (Me, Novia Darwis, Nadia Zabila, Anandita rostu) have a product : BAKSO WARNA-WARNI. And we presentation on 2nd day, so the first day we just see all of performance.

kelomponya ninish pake budaya korea, jadi ada hanbok nyaa :D

ini Pak Dekan FEMA dan dosen SKPM :D

seru kaaaaan ? :D

IPB Art Contest - Sheila on 7

Selasa, 07 Juni 2011
Helloooo world !

Yesterday , june 5th 2011 was the final day of IAC
And the night was "malam persahabatan IPB" as "malam puncak IAC dan OMI"
OMI is olimpiade mahasiswa IPB
So that night there were a winner and finalis who would got a throphy and achievement
I was the crew of this event , yeeaaaay :D

And the biggest memorable event is having a GUEST STAR, they were SHEILA ON 7 !
Wooooow , such a great night to saw Duta lively :D
They sang 12 songs and so hypnotyzed the visitor, so statisfyied of their performance :3

Well , congratz for TPB being a top score on OMI (juara umum) , and for Diploma 3 for getting top score on IAC :)
And the special say congratz and thankyou for my faculty and my contingen for the 1st winner of seriosa (resty taryania) , the 1st winner of Film Documenter (Abdul Haris Nasution) , 2nd winner for UpToDate theatre with "malam jahanam" , 3rd winner for the monolog theatre (Ninda Nevada) , and of course for the girl basketball player FEMA who got the SILVER !
Yeaaah , I'm proud to be FEMA :) :)

finally having DIANARIKASARI'S blog on my BlackBerry ! :D

Jumat, 03 Juni 2011

Alhamdulillah, finally i have dianarikasari's blog, HOT CHOCOLATE AND MINT launcher on my BlackBerry


hihihihi :p