brownie and a gift

Rabu, 02 Februari 2011
hello world world world

i went out with mother for some working on sunday (30-01-11) and i get the gift from my "work" too ihihihi :D

by the way , kalo kalian sering denger keluhan gue tentang handphone gue yang rusak inilah penyebabnyaaaaa... taraaaa...

it's flexible, dan itu yang dipake buat handphone slide, huhuhu...
tapi yahhh namanya handphone jadul, sebagus2nya dia, uda di service flexiblenya diganti baru juga tetep ajaaaa masih ada rusaknya huhu sedih banget ya Allah :(

but i must cheer up !! :')
harus terus nerdoa nihh... bismillah :')

you all too pray for me okaaay? bye :)

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