Senin, 21 Februari 2011
See you tonight at first meeting :)


Minggu, 13 Februari 2011

design by : Bunga Hadian


let's join the 4th E'SPENT everybody !

hello there !

there's sport and art event only for

we also expect your partisipation for joining the committee

wait the OR and get the form on your "KOMTI"

design by : Bunga Hadian

DON'T MISS IT yaaaaa :)

another CHOCOLATE and LOVE

Helloooo chocolate love !

this is one of my favoite chocolate
and it's from my B for our anniversary , thankyouuu my B ! :)


Watashi to anata wa 11-kagetsu o motte iru

happy anniv :) :)

byeeee :D

skirt skirt :p

hellooooo world world :)

today is H-1 KULIAH wooooow, you can feel what i feel, right ? hahaaha
yesterday i went to my aunty's house and her shop and i got one of her collection ahahha , thankyou my aunty :D

gue ga terlalu sering pake rok tapi gue punya dooong dan gue rasa, gue juga harus ngebiasain pake rok jadi kemaren gue pergi pake rok ahahaaha :p

semoga ga keliatan gendut deh yaaa eeerrrrrww ! haahha tu problem gue kalo pake rok : KAYA ONDEL-ONDEL zzzzzzz

tapi ga gendut kan kaaan ? hahaha btw itu tasnya dapet dari Attack jaman kapan hahaha gapapalah yaaa yg penting bisa berguna ya gaa ? ;)

byeee all :*

my past activity

Kamis, 10 Februari 2011
hello world , especially youuu :)

inspired by my friend, Suci Ariyanti , i wanna share to you about my past activity in my lovely campus. suci reviewed about 2010, but i actually just telling about only my activity (committee, organization, etc)

1. FEBRUARY 2010 : joining committee of IDEA (IPB's Dedication of Education) - BEM KM'S (ministry of education) . Division : PDD (Publication, Decoration, and Documentation)

2. MARCH 2010 :

-- being freelance of BEMedia (until the end off 2010) - BEM KM'S (Ministry of Communication and Information) - as editorial staff

--joining committee of Poltrain (Political training) - BEM TPB (Department of review and strategy - kajian dan - Division : PDD (Publication, Decoration, and Documentation)

3. MAY 2010 : joining committee of MPKMB 47 (Masa Perkenalan Kampus Mahasiswa Baru Angkatan 47) for about 3 months - BEM TPB+BEM KM - First, i accepted as PJK (penanggung jawab keluarga, keluarga itu sebutan untuk kelompok2) but there was a changing and i got a PDD Division

4. AUGUST 2010 : committee of Buka Puasa Bersama KPM - KPM 46 - Division : The Leader of PDD (Kadiv PDD)

5. SEPTEMBER 2010 : Joining committee of Gebyar Nusantara - BEM KM'S (Ministry of Culture, Sport and Art - - Division : Decoration and Design . But unfortunately, at the same time, i got some another problem and had to focus on it, so i resigned
IN H-2 EVENT ! hahhaah , sometimes i regret it so much but then i have no other choice :(

6. OCTOBER 2010 : joining Magang BEM FEMA untill December - BEM I Kabinet Pejuang Ekologi - department : Dept of Communication, information and relation (KOMINFO)

7. DECEMBER 2010 : FINALLY being a member of BEM FEMA Kabinet Garda Toska - Department : Dept of KOMINFO

i'm grateful for getting so much experience in 2010

those are because of Allah swt gives me a chance for meet other people, for working, and for giving me the easy way to run it.
because of my mother and father, they always support and pray for me,
And of course, it's all because of you, who always be near me..

i love you All
Thanks for all
please keep beside me in 2011 and the years that followed :)

one imprtant is : i have to continue writing !

i will post moreeeeee activity than now in 2011 and further
i promise..

bye all , cupps :*

what's on my "wall-information" ?

Rabu, 09 Februari 2011

good afternoon for youuuuu all :)

let's see what's on my "wall-information" in my room :)

this is my "wall-info"

the headband for 46 IPB ~ sticker NOTE watashi wa bunga desu ~ SMA Badge ~ photos ~ Photocopy of identity card ~ Hello kitty lable ~ Kampung Naga bookmark ~ Note note note ~ several last birthday greeting cards from Nurrizka sari and Diah M Rahayu ~ imitation rose ~ Japanese's katakana and hiragana letter

let's see one by one !

byeeeee cupps :*

welcome chocolate


i'm getting bored because there's no snack in my house woaaaaah i need more snack and wanna go to campus *upssss... sometimes i think i want to do the campus activity but sometimes i dont wanna be dizzy to do my homework -___-

and finally i buy a chocolate to be eaten yes yes alhamdulillah

let's eat !

cupss :*

colorful like balloons











seems like my life.....

do you like ice cream ?

Senin, 07 Februari 2011
ohayou minna :)

do you like ice cream?

i love it so much ! :9

KRS periode A for the 4TH semester

hellooooo dear

thousands student of IPB are waiting for KRS!
so do i..
i'm still confuse about taking SC (supporting course), i want to take "kewurausahaan" tapi bentrooook uhuhu menyedihkaaan..
tapi gue masih punya option haha : manajemen keuangan konsumen! dari departemen IKK
okee, ternyata banyak juga yg mau ambil, jadi pengen itu aja deh yaaa ;)

by the way, i've had the speaker portable from the of december 2010, that's so cuteeeee >.<

pokonya semangat buat KRS dan semster 4 nya bungaaaaa :)
byeeee all, cupps :*

s e n d i r i

Minggu, 06 Februari 2011

sendiri itu pahit, tapi terkadang manis
sendiri itu sakit , dan terkadang miris..

tapi kita tidak selamanya harus sendiri bukan ?

kita butuh teman, orang, dengung, suara, musik, siluet, sapaan, warna
semua itu memberi art bahwa kita tidak sendiri
tapi mengapa tetap ada kesendirian ?

mereka tidak mepedulikanku
mereka tidak mengajakku
mereka tidak memperhatikanku
mereka melupakanku

sakiiiiiit, kamu tau ?

coba bersikap lebih terbuka terhadap semua.
semua, aku ulangi
jangan pilih-pilih
semua butuh, bukan hanya kamu, bukan hanya kalian..

just like me

Jumat, 04 Februari 2011
hellooo world
i really love photography from long time agooooo :) :)

and i have been sleeping to make some picture - for long time i think-
and this is me, i'm back :)

saya.... rindu....

Rabu, 02 Februari 2011
hello the one, please...

i'm just an ordinary girl, i have feeling,

and now

i feel

i miss you...

like mother, like daughter

hello sukabumi and you

pagi2 gue uda berangkat nemenin mama ke sukabumi haha

what a long trip ! apalagi gue harus naek angkutan yang namanya KOL dan itu uda ngebut2an boooo pegel pulaaaa. dari ujung jalan sampe ujung jalan namanya sukabumi. tiap gue liat papan namanya sukabumi, uda sejam liat papan lagi namanya sukabumi, sampe gue akhirnya turun di lapangan merdeka namanya sukabmi! heeeeey jadi sukabumi itu yang manaa ? -___-"
sehariaaaan kita disana , naek angkot warna-warni . ada yang biru, kuning, ungu,pink, merah ijoo, ahaha lucuuuuu
terus pulang jam 4 sore dan perjalanannya lebih panjang dan heboh lagi gara2 macet dan hujaaan, wuuuu itu mobil nyelinap2 nerjang truk mantap laaaah

untuk sementara kesimpulan gue adalah : kalo mau jadi supir kol harus punya adrenalin yang kuat hahahah

daaaan gue juga punya project sendiriii : membuat baju lama menjadi bermanfaat haha :p

hahah susah deh kalo gada kerjaan gini :p anyway, do you like coffee? gue pengen banget bisa minum kopi, tapi perut gue selalu ga bersahabat. cuma kopi yang uda ga originil aja yg bisa gue minum zzzzz
dan waktu itu gue minum kopiii mister black di kampus haha


good night, cupps :*

brownie and a gift

hello world world world

i went out with mother for some working on sunday (30-01-11) and i get the gift from my "work" too ihihihi :D

by the way , kalo kalian sering denger keluhan gue tentang handphone gue yang rusak inilah penyebabnyaaaaa... taraaaa...

it's flexible, dan itu yang dipake buat handphone slide, huhuhu...
tapi yahhh namanya handphone jadul, sebagus2nya dia, uda di service flexiblenya diganti baru juga tetep ajaaaa masih ada rusaknya huhu sedih banget ya Allah :(

but i must cheer up !! :')
harus terus nerdoa nihh... bismillah :')

you all too pray for me okaaay? bye :)